Pulling People's Strings

Last week, we began to look at some examples of “unintentional witchcraft” coming through prophesy. I said “I can think of three things which make people susceptible to operating in witchcraft when they prophesy. The first is an unhealthy obsession with …

Recognizing A Controlling Spirit In Prophecy Read more »

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been discussing ways that many Christians get entangled with thinking in the same way as spiritists and witches do. In “Righteousness, Blessing, Salvation,” we saw that blessing is inseparable from salvation and justification. We …

How Do You Measure Your Blessing? Read more »

Last week, in Righteousness, Blessing, Salvation, we saw how salvation, justification, and blessing are inseparable. We continue in salvation and in God’s blessing in the same way that we were first saved, through grace. Today, we’re continuing to examine how …

The Law And Witchcraft Read more »

  Last week, we began our discussion of parallels between spiritism and some so-called “Christian” ideas. The whole point of this blog is that the gospel offers access to heaven now. If we’re experiencing and living in so much less then …

Righteousness, Blessing, Salvation Read more »