Fire From Heaven In Response To Believing Prayer For The Nations!

Lately, we’ve been on the theme of encouraging believing prayer for the nations. Long ago I shared about how God encouraged me to pray with faith for the nations in part 1 and part 2 of “Supernatural Rain in my House.” Then a few weeks ago we returned to the theme of prayer for the nations with “Fervent, Effectual Prayer” and “God’s Purposes For The Nations.” We followed that with three articles on how our worldview and eschatology affects our ability to believe in agreement with God’s purposes for the nations. They were “Victorious Eschatology,” “Who is the Antichrist?” and “Why the World is Getting Better.”
Today we have more encouragement as to the effectiveness of believing prayer.
The 10/40 Window
When I was a teen I started praying for the people groups in the 10/40 window. The 10/40 windows is a geographical window that lies across Asia and Africa from 10 degrees to 40 degrees north of the equator. It contains the largest part of the world’s population and the majority of people and people groups who have never heard the gospel.
There has been a prayer movement going on since the 1990s targeting the 10/40 window and encouraging people to pray for specific people groups that have been largely unreached with the gospel. I think I first found out about it from YWAM material after I took a YWAM mission trip to Mexico. Then I got my hands on some 10/40 people group prayer journals and made friends with adults who were praying for the nations of the 10/40 window.
I think few people realize how much fruit has already come from this prayer movement. Christianity has been growing rapidly in the last decades, and many Muslims have come to Christ because of a dream or a vision. I’m convinced that these dreams and visions are the results of believing prayer for the nations. Many Christians probably still have no idea of how much their prayers of faith have accomplished.
You can find more resources to help you pray for the 10/40 window people groups at and The Joshua project site has a lot of resources, including a mobile app to help you pray daily for unreached people groups. You can also download a 10/40 window prayer guide here.
Fireball From Heaven Destroys a Buddhist Temple!
I read this testimony when I was a teenager. I think it was in one of the 10/40 window prayer publications that I came across, and I couldn’t find the source for a long time. Then I came across a video of the same testimony!
The testimony is of revival in Cambodia, and this part of it starts around the 25-minute mark in the video below. There was a Buddist temple, just built, and they were preparing to bring all the idols from the old place into the new temple.
The evening of the same day God was moving powerfully in the church, the people saw a ball of fire come from heaven with a roaring sound like that of 10 or 20 tanks. It hit the temple and threw it 50 meters away, completely destroying it.
Five Buddhist monks testified on television about what happened. Later one of them was interviewed. The others had run away but he didn’t have time to run, so he hung on to the bed. Hanging on to the bed, he was thrown 50 meters with the temple, the fire, and the wind, but was not hurt. And he felt happy, rejoicing. (As I read elsewhere, he felt relieved that the temple was destroyed.)
The Christian who interviewed this Buddhist monk explained that the fire which hit the temple was the fire of God, who wants to cleanse and save the nation of Cambodia. He explained that God hates idolatry but loves people, and that’s why nobody was hurt when the fireball hit the temple.
Increase Your Expectation!
Scripture says that John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah, and that the least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than John was. Elijah prayer of faith brought fire from heaven and turned a nation from Baal to God.
Let’s take scripture as true and pray accordingly! Who’s with me? I want to be a history maker!