I first said I wanted to be a missionary when I was 10 years old, after getting to know my camp counselor who was a missionary reaching stone-age tribes in Papua New Guinea. My first missions trip was to Mexico when I was 14 years old. It was then that I firmly dedicated my whole life to seeing other people experience the love I’d received from God.
I began learning Spanish. At 16, I started studying Polish for three hours a day, and then other languages. I finished high school when I was 17, and then began working as a roofer and taking as many mission trips as possible. I also got involved in a bilingual church in my city. I learned a lot in those early days. Then when I was 20 I got started in supernatural ministry after attending a conference with Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, and Joe McIntyre.
I spent my early 20’s working in construction, ministering in people’s houses, on the streets, and preaching as much as possible. I often went to a conference like VOA before leaving for a few weeks or months on a ministry trip, sleeping in my truck instead of getting a hotel room so I’d have money to travel. I finally moved permanently to Brazil in 2012.
By now I’ve preached many times in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. I’ve even preached once informally in Russian, with a little help. 🙂 I can get by reading my Bible in a dozen languages. I’ve been to twelve countries encouraging the churches, sharing Christ in people’s homes and on the street, and ministering to the sick everywhere. I’ve had the joy of volunteering with seniors and children. I’ve taken in the homeless. I’ve spent hundreds of hours praying for people in four languages.
I’ve shed many tears but I’ve also experienced great joy along the way. It hasn’t been easy, but love has continued to compel me. I want everybody to know God’s love just as I’ve experienced it. Seeing God heal people continues to thrill me. I love God’s people, I love encouraging the church, and I love seeing young Christians step out to give words of knowledge and minister healing for the first time.
My best trips have been the ones where I had a lot of people praying for me. My wife and I value your prayers. You can pray that God would open people’s hearts to hear truth and that our message would be effective. You can pray that God would deliver us from wicked and evil men. (2 Thessalonians 3:2) We live in a dangerous city and have encountered shooting, armed robberies, and vehicles on fire. We’ve faced a kidnapping threat against our daughter. But friends prayed for us and it all turned out in a greater revelation of Jesus.
You can pray for God to strengthen us. Even Jesus was strengthened by angels. (Luke 22:43, Matthew 4:1) You can pray that our ministry be effective and that the way will be opened to reach those God is sending us to. Most of all, you can pray that we continue to keep a heavenly perspective at all times, growing in the knowledge of Jesus and making Jesus known to all around us. If you’d like prayer updates, you can request to join our Prayer group on Facebook.
During all these years of missions, I’ve never had regular financial support. I’ve worked hard and paid my way. Once in a while people have helped with gifts, such as when we cared for an elderly man during the last days of his life. It’s been quite difficult at times, but it has certainly been worth it!
Right now I’m working full-time teaching English. I go to recovery houses, poor neighborhoods, and other outreaches as often as I can. Many people are being healed, and even better, I am teaching Brazilian Christians as I go with them and now many of them have prayed and seen God do miracles through their hands.
In the last several years we’ve seen a movement in English-speaking countries of ordinary Christians healing the sick in their daily life. This movement has been widely spread by YouTube videos of people like Dan Mohler, Todd White, Curry Blake, and Pete Cabrera Jr. We want to spread that movement in Latin America.
If you’ve been encouraged by the articles in this blog and you want to help us to continue reaching people, please consider partnering with us in your missions giving. I am quite content working full-time teaching English as I do, but giving does help with projects that support the recovery house and with enabling me to do more trips. I would love to be more active teaching Brazilian Christians to walk in God’s power and take more trips to poor areas of Brazil and to the Amazon Rainforest. Every time I go, I see God do incredible things and I see those who go with me learning to minister healing.
You can set up a recurring donation or make a one-time contribution here:Â
If you’d like a tax deduction, you can send a check designated to City Of Refuge BIC Church with “Brazil” in the memo.
City Of Refuge BIC Church
529 Fremont St.
Lancaster PA, 17603