The Big Knife-Rescue From Suicide

Stories And Testimonies
I love talking to older people and hearing their stories. In past posts, I have shared a few stories from my grandmother’s life, including Grammy’s First Trip To Heaven, Grammy’s Second Trip To Heaven, and Supernatural Multiplication Of Ham. Here is another story that she told me a little while ago. I thought this was a very encouraging and inspiring testimony
I have been writing about Divine Protection over the last few weeks. My Grammy worked for many years at a Rescue Mission for the homeless. Many of the residents loved her for her gentleness and kindness, calling her “mom”. She has been around some very dangerous people at times. Some of them were felons or people who were mentally unstable, and they often had to call the police. While I was talking with her recently, I asked if she had any stories of escaping danger that she would like to share.
She said “Oh, God has protected me many times. Once I was walking on the street outside of the Mission and the Holy Spirit told me to look up. I saw a rifle pointing at me from a third-story window. I walked very quickly and went inside before he could aim and shoot.”
Then she told me a very touching story of another time when she felt that God protected her. More than a story of God’s protection, this was an encouraging testimony of the impact that a few kind words can have on someone.
The Big Knife
My Grandmother was a receptionist at the Mission. When people came to apply as new residents, she was the first person they went to. She took their names and information, then told them about the services that were available for them. As she was taking their information, Grammy often spoke to the applicants about what the Lord could do in their lives.
One day as she was introducing an applicant to the organization, she said “You know, we are a Christian mission, and I hope that while you are here you will take advantage of the opportunity to read the Bible and see what God might have for your life.” He immediately pulled out a big knife!
Grammy’s heart skipped a beat! She knew that here, this was no joke. They had encountered murderers and rapists passing through many times before. But she quietly asked the Holy Spirit what to do, and she felt like she was to stay calm. So she asked him, What do you have that knife for?
The man replied, “I was planning to kill myself with this knife, but I just decided not to. Nobody ever showed that they cared about me before, but you just did.” Grammy asked him if she could have the knife, and he gave it to her. She realized that she had just rescued a man from suicide!
The Power Of A Few Kind Words
Grammy hadn’t said much, but she did show this man that she was concerned for his well-being. She mentioned God having a plan for his life. Little did she know that she might be saving his life by preventing suicide as she spoke those few words.
Sometimes we see how rough some people are, yet do not realize the trauma’s and difficulties that they have faced. Yet God sees those things and has compassion on them. I have met children who had heartbreaking stories of abuse and neglect, but they were rescued. What about the people who never were rescued and are still struggling to deal with such hard experiences? There are so many people who have experienced very little kindness in life.
Sometimes we have no idea how our words, or a simple display of love can influence a person. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, a few words can change the course of a person’s life forever. Life and death really are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) Sometimes as we interact with a person, we think about how they have wronged us, or even how they might hurt us. Yet the indwelling Holy Spirit is thinking about that person’s need and how we can meet it.
How many people have been saved from suicide by a few kind words? Grammy’s experience reminded me of the story of Don Richie, an Australian man who officially saved at least 160 people from committing suicide. His family believes the true number was closer to 500. Don smiled at people who looked distressed and asked if he could help them. If you have never heard about Don before, you can listen to his story in the first video below. In the second video, you can see Don’s house and the place where he convinced so many people not to jump to their deaths.
I pray that the Holy Spirit would help us to become more aware of the needs of people around us, and to see how we can meet them.