Thank You Jesus For Healing Backs And Necks!

Drawing Water From The Wells Of Salvation highlights the principle that miracles tend to happen in the present when we share testimonies of what God has done in the past. Real faith isn’t just an intellectual thing. It’s getting to know, personally, who God is. I started to see people healed when I was shocked by God’s extreme goodness. God’s nature and compassion made a deep imprint in my soul. Testimonies can help make God’s nature real to us.
Today we have three testimonies of backs/necks healed. When I share these stories God’s goodness is so real to me that I feel like I can reach out my hand and touch it. As you read, may God’s nature and compassion impact you deeply on a heart-level. If you need healing in your back or anywhere else, may the same glory of Christ that restored these people’s spines touch your body, drive out all pain, and put everything in order right now!
Two Herniated Disks
Last week in Escaping Gunpoint Again, I shared about two recent car crashes my wife experienced. Both of them were caused by bandits on the highway.
She was suffering from lots of neck pain after the first crash. When she saw the x-ray results showing she had two herniated disks, she got desperate. She said “How am I going to live with this pain for the rest of my life? I need to work to take care of Rebekah and my parents, and I can barely even work with this pain.”
I said “Don’t worry. God is with us. I have lots of friends who’ve been healed of things like this.”
My life belongs to God and it depends on God. When we’ve been under pressure again and again and yet another problem comes up, that’s the attitude we have to take. We have no other option. “Don’t worry. God is with us.” The apostle Paul wrote “whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” He is our peace when there is no peace to be found in external circumstances. His peace which dwells in us can calm storms all around us. Of the increase of His dominion and peace, there will be no end! (Isaiah 9:7)
I laid my hands on her neck several times and commanded “In Jesus’ name, be totally healed.” She didn’t feel anything change at the time. But within a few weeks (maybe 2) she was completely pain-free. She hasn’t complained of pain since.
May this testimony encourage you if you’ve ministered healing and haven’t seen an immediate change. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t let your heart “drop” with disappointment. Worship Jesus, and let his presence determine your heart reality.
Suddenly Crippled With Pain!
Not long after that, our little girl’s school was holding a party. Our daughter Rebekah is two years old, and her whole class of cute little toddlers was going to dance at the party.
Beth and I left Rebekah with her “Auntie” across the street to get ready for the party as we had lunch. (She’s not a biological aunt, but just a friend/neighbor who Rebekah loves) We were just about to eat when we got a phone call.
Rebekah’s “Auntie” had bent over and something popped in her back. She fell to the floor of the bathroom in excruciating pain. She was unable to rise, then finally dragged herself up into a sitting position.
We left right away, saving our food for later. When we arrived she was finally able to stand up but was cringing in pain. I put my hand on her lower back and it felt like a whole section of it was two inches to the side of where it should be.
After about 15 minutes of laying hands on her back and speaking wholeness in Jesus’ name, she was 99% better. She started crying at one point as God was touching her. I could feel that the spine in her lower back was straight again. She went to the party with us, having only a little bit of residual soreness.
“I Feel Like A Soldier! Something Is Pulling Me Up!”
A few weeks after a life of miracles first began, my great-aunt was coming to visit us from another city. She had severe back pain. Her back was bent over. The doctors said that her vertebrae were fused, calcified together.
I got excited! Her visit was another opportunity to see God’s glory revealed!
I shared testimonies and told her “God wants to heal you, and I want to pray for you.” I put my hand on her should and started saying “In Jesus’ name, be straight! Be whole! Be free from pain!”
She laughed and said “I feel like a soldier. Something is pulling me up. It feels like there’s a rope attached to the top of my head, and it’s pulling me up.” And we watched her back straighten.
After just a few minutes, her back was straight and she felt NO PAIN!!!
Be Whole Now!
In Jesus’ name, I bless you who are reading this. May God’s peace and goodness soak into every cell of your body right now, driving out pain, putting everything in order. Be whole and be free! May Jesus be revealed and be glorified in your life and in your body.
How do we know this? my son and I really need help for like a very long time
Hebrews 1 “God has spoken through his Son. Eph. 4, the church is growing up in all things into Christ.
I have never claimed that all I’ve ministered to have been healed. But we do know what God’s will is, because God has spoken through Jesus, and we also know the many things we have experienced, how the Lord has healed us and others through us. And we do know that the more we talk about what God has done and the more we step out to minister to people, the more happens.
So we keep going, keep growing, and keep persevering! We’ve also faced discouragement at times, but we learn to always let the Lord lift and strengthen us, and to keep focusing on what God is doing.