Stuart Morrison’s Story

I really enjoyed interviewing Shawn Hurley and sharing his story three weeks ago, so I decided to share another story today. Stuart Morrison is a friend from South Africa. He always has fresh reports of what God is doing, including people healed of HIV, mental illness, cancer, and a whole host of other issues. God set him free from guilt and condemnation and brought him into joy unspeakable and full of glory! May his story encourage you!
Stuart, Tell Us About How Jesus Set You Free
I grew up in a Christian family. We went to church three times a week. I was born again when I was twelve years old. It was a genuine experience, but to me, Christianity was about not sinning. From the age of 12 to 27 I tried to live a moral life, jumping through all the hoops. However, I had no peace, joy, confidence in Christ, or genuine relationship with God. Yes I prayed, but I felt like God was far away.
By the time I was 27 I was suicidal, taking medication for severe depression. I’d become Bulemic and I was so paranoid that I couldn’t walk to the car by myself because I was afraid someone would kill me. I had pain from head to toe and for about two years spent most of my spare time sleeping. I had lost all my desire to live and was just trying to make it to the end of each day so I could go back to sleep. I’d been out of church for five years and I was reading about other religions like Buddhism because I didn’t see Jesus as the as the answer to my situation and thought there must be something else.
The reason I didn’t see Jesus as the answer was because what I knew of Christianity hadn’t worked for me. Finally, I cried out “God, if you are real, I need you now!”
In that moment I heard God say “Stuart I love you.” I couldn’t believe it! I felt an incredible, tangible love overwhelm me. I was ashamed of myself, embarrassed, and had no theology for such an experience. All of the symptoms, including bulimia, panic attacks, and physical pain, fell off. I physically felt them lift off of me and the darkness left me.
I went back to church again but I started to feel like the love and joy I’d felt was coming and going now. I was back on a spiritual roller coaster of peaks and valleys.
The biggest breakthrough after that was when I realized I was free from the law. I’d became disturbed and unstable when I went back to church because they were preaching the law.
I started listening to Joseph Prince in 2006 and 2007, and then Rob Rufus in 2009. I came to understand the free gift of righteousness by faith and that God had made me perfect, holy, and blameless in His sight. These truths produced an unexplainable ecstasy and bliss, and I’ve experienced that joy and peace every single day of my life since then! Sometimes I feel like I’m going to disappear!
How Did You Start Ministering Healing To People?
When I realized I was free from the law and righteous, I realized God talks all the time! Before then guilt and condemnation had hindered my fellowship with the Father because I was ashamed. Now, I felt led to pray for people. I didn’t even know it was healing or believe in healing.
I was praying for six months and people started saying “You prayed for me and I was healed. I had back pain and now it’s gone.” I didn’t even believe it!
People convinced me I had a “spiritual gift.” I started reading Smith Wigglesworth’s sermons and trying to learn more about healing. Sometimes I got really radical results and saw great miracles, and then I was frustrated because I couldn’t even get a headache healed. That wasn’t very consistent! As I prayed about this God said to study what Jesus did at the cross.
I found Curry Blake’s Divine Healing Technician (DHT) training and that laid a really good foundation for healing ministry and understanding what Jesus did to redeem our bodies. I had started to get into studying “spiritual gifts”, “special anointings,” “mantles,” “generational curses,” “spiritual roots of diseases” and other such things on my quest to be a more effective healing minister, but something didn’t sit right. I thought I was going mad as if I was the only person who didn’t believe these things, and I lost opportunities to speak. Then in 2009 I started listening to Dan Mohler and Andrew Wommack and I realized there were other people teaching a simple gospel! I started getting a lot more consistent results when I stopped making things complicated.
I believe the main reason for powerlessness in the church is Old Covenant mindsets. Miracles are popular, but when I started preaching that we are free from the law there was a whole new level of opposition and many doors closed for me. Today I’m sharing in churches every week where they are open to the New Covenant. God has also opened up doors for me in other nations and I am loving this incredible opportunity to share the GOOD NEWS with different people.
What Can We Learn From Stuart’s Story?
Here are my thoughts on some of the main lessons in Stuart’s story.
- God loves you! Stuart’s story has something in common with Shawn Hurley’s story that we shared last week, with my story, and with many others. We had a powerful and tangible experience with God’s love! God’s love is what transforms you. 1 John 4:10 (NRSV) says “In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.”
- Receive the free gift of righteousness! If we try to establish our own righteousness by jumping through the hoops and always trying to be good enough, we will live in guilt and condemnation. Guilt and condemnation are deadly and they certainly don’t make you more like Jesus! God’s free gift of righteousness means we are righteous because of what Jesus has done, before we’ve “gotten our lives straight.” We just have to say “God, I want your righteousness. I want to be right. Thank you that Jesus carried my sin so I could be righteous.” Then we receive it by faith.Living in God’s righteousness puts us in constant fellowship with God, and that is what transforms us. Stuart didn’t realize how much God was speaking until he knew he could approach God unashamed because Jesus had made him perfect, holy, blameless, and righteous. You must receive the free gift of righteousness if you are going to exercise dominion in life! (Romans 5:17)
- The gospel is simple. Doing the works of Jesus should be as simple for us as it was for Jesus. The Bible says everyone who so much as touched Jesus was healed. Of all those thousands of people, there was nobody who Jesus laid his hands on and then said “It isn’t working this time. I think you may have some unforgiveness or a generational curse that might be blocking this healing.”In our conversation after the interview Stuart said “I think a lot of us, when we get started ministering healing, try to learn a lot of stuff so we can be more effective. But as we grow we learn that those things actually distract us from the gospel. There’s no formula. It’s all about fellowship with God and growing in knowing him.” I can totally relate to this statement! When I first started ministering healing I read as many books as I could, learned about potential “blocks” to healing, and learned the “spiritual roots” of many specific diseases. When I stopped all the complicated stuff in healing the sick, I started seeing twice the results and being a lot more consistent. If you’re not seeing the results you want, the answer is growing in the knowledge of Jesus (2 Peter 3:18) and in faith, manifesting God’s glory to a greater degree, not learning some new spiritual secret to help you get a breakthrough. If everyone who touched Jesus was healed, when we grow up in all things into the full measure of the stature of Christ (Eph. 4:11-15), filled with the fullness of God (Eph. 3:18-19), everyone who so much as touches us will be healed! We have room to grow, so let’s grow!
Thanks for reading again guys!