Give Me A Break(room)

Today we have a guest post from my friend Holly Cusato, who also blogs about supernatural ministry. I asked her if she’d like to a testimony on Go To Heaven Now. You might also want to check out her blog at the end for more encouraging stories!
Ministering In The Break Room
Each new day offers us “divine appointments” – opportunities to be used by God. It is not every day I rise to the occasion. A million small reasons can stop me in my tracks. I know that fear is Satan’s attempt to keep me from stepping out in faith and asking someone who needs healing if I can pray for them.
God put several “divine appointments” in my path at work recently to pray for “Beth,” who I could tell was in pain. There were several wasted opportunities before I worked up the courage to do anything about it. I’d politely inquire how she was doing – would hear about the pain but also about an upcoming doctor appointment. So I thought, “let the doctors do their job, no need to put myself out there.”
But I kept running into Beth at work, and the last doctor update – that perhaps surgery was the only way forward – sent me into action. So I asked Beth if I could pray for her in the middle of the breakroom at work. She quickly agreed and said she had been healed through prayer before but had lost her healing. My faith for helping bring healing to her body rose exponentially!
Beth was suffering from a twisted spine that caused one leg to be shorter than the other, creating back, shoulder and leg pain throughout. Simply mimicking a healing video I saw online, I asked her to sit in a chair and put out her legs. By putting my thumbs on her ankle bones, we could easily see her left leg was shorter than her right by half of an inch. In Jesus’ name I simply commanded her left leg to grow to be even with her right. We both watched in amazement as it actually happened. I commanded her body back into God’s perfect alignment until my thumbs were perfectly aligned and then saw the tears build in Beth’s eyes.
Next I asked Beth to stand and straighten her arms, and similarly placed my thumbs on her wrist joints to see the alignment and commanded her arms to come back into alignment in Jesus’ name. Once again, perfectly aligned, a tear escaped Beth’s eye and ran down her cheek.
She said her shoulder blades were still in pain so that’s where we targeted our prayers next until the pain left, and there was no more pain in Beth’s body. I had her walk around the breakroom – which she could easily and smoothly do after limping for months. She could move her arms and legs around without feeling any pain. We thanked Jesus in a mighty way, and then decided it was time to get back to work. Amen!
Is it really so simple? Yes. Find any healing story in the Bible (or done by a modern-day minister) and mimic it! What you will notice is that Jesus does not pray to His Father in Heaven when healing the sick – He speaks to the problem in front of Him. It was Curry Blake who I heard say it best: “Don’t speak to God about the problem, speak to the problem about God!”
The numerous healing stories in the Bible were not Jesus showing off his own power or relationship with God – rather each story was meant as an example, a guide for us to follow so we could do the same.
Since Jesus knows that His Father’s will is for the person standing in front of Him to be well, He only has to tell the sickness or disease attacking the person to leave to bring that person back into alignment with God’s will. I will repeat – it is always God’s will for you to be well. It is always God’s will for us to die of old age, peacefully in our beds.
What Christ accomplished on the cross gave me authority over sickness and disease, and it is my responsibility to bring the perfection of heaven into the realities of earth. Being a child of God – accepting Jesus as our savior and inviting the Holy Spirit to become one with our own spirit – gives us everything we need to stand against the enemy.
I stand on the promise that our words, when spoken in Jesus’ name, carry power, that we only have to “say to the mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20 NKJV)
If you are not yet convinced that you can bring healings to others, I offer the training that got me started – Curry Blake’s Divine Healing Technician Training®. When I first learned of this free resource, I absorbed all eighteen hours of video in a single weekend! By the end, Curry had me convinced I only had to mimic what I saw Jesus do, or mimic the healing videos I saw other ministers do on-line – and God would use me. And He did! Trust me – He will use you too!
About the Author
Holly Cusato lives in Dallas, Texas, and spends her days in the corporate world. After living most of her life as a Christian, it was only in the past few years she learned to serve as a minister of healing through the love and power of Jesus Christ. She shares her stories at My Simple, yet Supernatural Life so that you might realize you have it in you as well. Normal people are making miracles happen.