Friends, we have been holding an “Open Heaven” home group which includes much of the teaching I share in my new book, The Mechanics of Miracles. This teaching returns us to the simplicity of Jesus, the gospel, and communion with …

Oneness With God and the Otherness of God Read more »

Several weeks ago, we started talking about religious burdens which add all kinds of human regulations to God’s word. The number of people who are considered “unchurched” has been growing rapidly. Yet many Christians accuse the unchurched of rebellion, trying …

“Are you a regular tither?” Part 3 of answering religious objections Read more »

In our last post, I shared about my answer to the question, “What church do you go to?” and the answer, “I belong to the church in Goiânia, Brazil.” Today, we’ll cover the question, “Who is your pastor?” My answer …

The Plurality of Elders and Jesus as My Pastor – Part 2 of “Answering Religious Objections” Read more »